1. General
Protecting your privacy is very important to Hnapp.is. This personal data protection policy covers personal information, irrespective of whether it is collected and stored in digital form, on paper, or in another comparable manner. The policy includes data entry, data storage, and processing of personal information falling within its scope. The policy can be found on the Hnapp.is website.
2. Legislation on personal data protection
Treatment of personal information is subject to the Act on the Protection of Privacy as current at any given time, as well as to the EEA Agreement. The Act covers, among other things, the processing, storage, and sharing of personal data.
3. Responsibility
Hnapp is responsible for the entry of personal data and for the handling of such data in its operations. Hnapp.is is authorised to utilise the personal data you provide to the company. You may contact us about our personal data protection policy or lodge a complaint about a possible violation of the Act on the Protection of Privacy by sending an e-mail to hnapp@hnapp.is
4. Collection and use
We collect and store a range of personal information about our customers, as listed below. We collect this information in order to be able to provide the service requested.
If you are our customer, we collect and store information relating to your business history. We gather this information so as to give you an overview of your business and to provide you with personalised service.
If you wish to be in contact with us and receive information from us on a regular basis (such as digital notifications or social media messages), you are asked to provide us with necessary information. This is entirely your choice.
Sometimes we ask you to provide us with additional information about you. This is information that we request because we think it will help us to provide you with better service. You are never required to provide such information unless you choose to.
When you use our web interface, we collect personal information through cookies, IP addresses, and other information about the device you use (i.e., type of hardware, operating system, etc.). You may choose whether you provide this information to us.
According to current personal data protection legislation, and on the basis of your consent, we and other service providers (that could represent the company) collect the following personal information about you:
Mailing lists: If you subscribe to a Hnapp.is mailing list, we will process information on your e-mail address and, as applicable, other information you provide to the company, such as your name and address. This processing is based on the customer’s consent, and the customer is authorised at any time to withdraw consent and unsubscribe from Hnapp.is’s mailing lists.
Marketing: Hnapp.is may use personal information that you provide to the company in order to send you special offers and advertisements based on that information. Such processing is based on the customer’s informed consent, which may be withdrawn.
Complaints and comments: If you send us a comment or complaint, Hnapp.is will process your contact information, such as your name and e-mail address, and the substance of the complaint or comment that you have chosen to send.
Therefore, we may use your personal information in order to do the following:
5. Information sharing
We only share personal information with third parties pursuant to processing agreements that contain provisions on the treatment and security of personal data, unless we are required by law to do otherwise. If suspicions of fraudulent or unlawful conduct arise, we will share with the relevant parties any personal data that could be of significance in protecting our interests, your interests, and/or the interests of other customers.
If we should merge with another company, your personal information may be transferred to the new company.
6. Third parties
Our personal data protection policy does not cover collection or processing of your personal data by third parties where we have no control over or responsibility for the use, publication, or other handling of your personal data. We encourage you to acquaint yourself with the personal data protection policies of third parties, including hosts of websites that could make reference to or link to our website; software companies such as Facebook, Apple, Google, and Microsoft; and your chosen payment service provider.
7. Protection
Hnapp.is. places strong emphasis on protecting all personal information and has therefore implemented an internal monitoring system that ensures that appropriate technological and organisational security measures are taken at all times.
We will notify you without undue delay in the event of a security breach that involves your personal data and could pose a significant risk to you. In this context, a security breach refers to a breach that leads to inadvertent or unlawful deletion of personal information, change in information, publication of it, or provision of unauthorised access to it.
It should be noted, however, that you are responsible for the personal information — such as your name, national ID number, and photograph — that you choose to share or send through a public forum such as TripAdvisor, chat lines, or Hnapp.is social media pages.
Our websites use SSL certificates, which means that data transmission to and from the pages is encrypted. SSL certificates prevent third parties from gaining access to the data sent on the web, including, for instance, queries and service requests sent via the website.
Finally, Hnapp.is wishes to point out that data transmission over the internet is never entirely secure. Therefore, you should notify us immediately if you believe that specific information you have provided to us is at risk.
8. Data storage
We will store your business history for up to four (4) years unless the law requires or authorises a longer storage period. If there is no longer a need for the information or if the law requires that it be deleted, your information will be made unidentifiable and/or will be deleted.
9. Your rights
You are entitled to request that Hnapp.is provide you with information on the personal data about you in its possession, as well as on the processing and handling of your personal data.
In certain instances, you are entitled to have your personal information corrected or deleted, provided that there is no longer any reason for us to keep it.
We will consider your requests according to the above and will provide you with the information, correct it, or delete it (as applicable) within 40 days, subject to any limitations implied by the rights and freedoms of others, including business secrets and intellectual property rights. We will notify you and provide an explanation within one (1) month of receiving your request if there is a delay in processing or if it is not possible to comply with the request in full.
10. Amendments
This personal data protection policy is reviewed regularly and may therefore be subject to amendment. Therefore, you are advised to acquaint yourself with the policy on a regular basis, as amendments to it take effect upon publication on the company website: Hnapp.is
11. Measures to address possible violations
You are entitled to direct complaints due to possible violations of the Act on the Protection of Privacy, no. 90/2018, to the Data Protection Authority in accordance with the instructions contained in the Act.
This personal data protection policy was adopted on 26 may 2022